Downtown fortfarande #1
För andra veckan i rad ligger Downtown på första plast.
"Lady Antebellum is celebrating a second week at number one with their latest single, Downtown. It’s the lead single off their new album, Golden, which will be released on May 7th, and the success of the song must be somewhat validating for the group that decided to change things up for this new project. Dave explains, “It was almost one of those career moments where it was like, there’s plenty of people who just keep doing what they do but we just got to a point where we were like, ‘let’s have awareness and try to change it a little bit and try to throw a little curve ball.’ So that’s kind of where we picked a couple of these songs like [‘Downtown’], that were just kind of a total 180 for us.” He says, “That was a decision that we made. So now there’s a whole new excitement musically because it’s a whole new flavor,” and it seems the decision is paying off for them."
Kategori / Golden /
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