Golden release party!
För en stund sedan blev hemligheten som bandet skrev på facebok igår kväll avslöjad. Om man concetar sitt facebook konto på får man se en exklusiv video om dagen tills den 2 maj. I varje video skall det finnas videoklipp som aldrig har vistats tidigare.
Edit: Man kan singa upp utan att conecta med facebook.
"Lady A is celebrating the final countdown to the release of GOLDEN by offering exclusive video clips of songs on the album. There will be a new video for you to unlock every other day, and one every day after May 2nd. You'll get an exclusive preview of the track with never before seen footage. Lady A is so excited to share their music with you, so join the party and share with your friends! And don't miss your chance to pre-order GOLDEN on iTunes where you get the instant track for Goodbye Town!"
Kategori / Golden / Sociala medier /
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