Mer om Hillarys graviditet!
Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum announced last month that she and her husband Chris are expecting their first child. At the time not many more details were offered, but now we’ve learned that Hillary is due in July. She and Chris found out about the pregnancy the day before Thanksgiving, and while some people choose to wait until later in the pregnancy to share the news, Hillary says she and Chris decided, “We have faith that this baby’s gonna be healthy and beautiful and perfect , so let’s just kind of let everybody in on our excitement.” She hasn’t learned the sex of the baby yet but she says, “We’re gonna find out what it is and it won’t be a secret… once we know, everybody will know. It won’t be a secret. I’m not good at keeping secrets.”
Fortunately, Hillary says the pregnancy has been pretty smooth so far. She’s through her first trimester and she says, “It was easy in a lot of ways but I was exhausted. I mean I slept like 18 hours a day. It was crazy how all the energy is just sucked out of you. But I’ve not had any sickness at all. I haven’t loved food but I haven’t been sick so I’m extremely thankful for that.” Now that her energy is coming back she’s working out and making sure she stays active because she says, “That’s only gonna help everything. And I think that’s the most important thing when it comes to your diaphragm and singing and all of that.”
There has been one unexpected side effect of the pregnancy that Hillary is enjoying. She says, “It wasn’t like this in the very, very beginning. But now that I’m settling and starting to feel more comfortable with everything and how it’s changing, I’m more confident. I sing more confident because I’m like, ‘I’m making a human.’ You know, it’s like there’s just something empowering and so awesome about that, so I definitely am more confident… I feel good. I feel really good.”
Lady Antebellum will unveil a new single off their next album, which they hope to release in the spring, on Tuesday. They plan to tour through mid-June before taking time off for Hillary to have the baby, but Charles is hopeful and the other two agree that they would like to look at maybe putting together a small tour in the fall.
Kategori / Hillary Scott / Nyheter & Media /