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“I got a dress that’ll show a little uh uh but you ain’t gettin’ uh uh if you don’t come pick me up”
- Hillary Scott (Downtown)
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"You'll pretty much always find a pop of glitz or sparkle on me, no matter what I'm wearing. I just don't feel like myself without it!"
- Hillary Scott
Kategori / Dagens/Veckans / Hillary Scott /
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"Golden is actually the last song we wrote for the record, and we just thought the title represented the record as a whole and kind of where we are as a band. This nice little sweet spot as a band, and kind of getting, honestly, back to how we started with the songwriting together -- the three of us in a room."
- Charles Kelley
Kategori / Charles Kelley / Dagens/Veckans /
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Dagens video är faktiskt en musikvideo som Hillarys mamma Linda Davis gjorde 1998.
Precis som sin dotter är Linda är också en country sångerska och har släppt 9 album.
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"The day Charles and I wrote Things People Say, we went for pizza that night with some friends and, after dinner, I was walking to my car to grab the CD that had the song on it to show our friends. Right after I got the CD out of the car I was approached by four men who tried to take my car keys, one punched me in the face, one hel a fake gun to my back (I tnik it was fake!). Luckily I got away... oh and the CD was sill in my left hand, no scratches :) True Story."
- Dave Haywood
Källa: Lady Antebellum Booklet
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"The thing is we'll probably never have a song as big as 'Need You Now,' and we kinda knew that. That thing was just a time and a place and it just was definitely a moment in time for us. And it's opened up a lot of doors and after that happened we told ourselves, 'Guys, a small country band having a crossover hit like this just doesn't happen all the time.' So we try to just keep making great music and focus on the core fan base, which is country music and country fans. And if a song happens to reach outside of that, then great."
- Charles Kelley
Kategori / Charles Kelley / Dagens/Veckans /
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"All We'd Ever Need was the very first song the three of us wrote toghter. The funny thing is - it would have never been a duet if I hadn't begged Charles to put his voice on it... which led to Lady Antebellum"
- Hillary Scott
Kategori / Dagens/Veckans / Hillary Scott /
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För ett par år sedan splade Lady A in en video med Charles storebror Josh. I videon sjunger de en av Josh låtar, Just Say the Word.
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